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The Eagle Express: Second Quarter Newsletter

Posted Date: 12/20/24 (:30 AM)

The Joplin Schools logo of an Eagle head in maroon, navy, white, and grey.
The Eagle Express
Dr. Sachetta's Quarterly Newsletter
December 19, 2024
A message from the Superintendent
Dr. Sachetta is smiling
Eagles, I want to thank you all for a fantastic first semester of the school year. Teachers and staff are guiding students with high expectations, and students are pushing themselves into new skills each week. It's part of what makes education so special to be a part of, and public education in particular. Because in public education, we get the opportunity to serve students and families of all backgrounds and abilities. It's a privilege we don't take for granted.

In recognition of that, the Board of Education in November adopted a new set of legislative priorities designed to support the unique needs of public schools and public school students. These priorities strengthen public education by addressing key areas such as early childhood education, teacher recognition, school safety, and community-driven governance. To view these priorities on our website, please click here.

We sincerely hope our parents, staff, and community members play a vital role in advocating for these priorities as we face an onslaught of many different pieces of legislation targeted at public schools. If you are interested in learning more about how to support Joplin Schools and public education in Missouri, I would love to hear from you at

By working together, we can ensure Joplin Schools and our community's voices are heard. Let's continue to champion the success of public education and advocate for the future of our students.

Merry Christmas, Eagles! Rest up and enjoy celebrating with your families. We're looking forward to a great second semester together.
We are thankful for our Eagles!
A young boy is holding a handmade clothespin turkey in front of his face, only his smiling eyes show behind the turkey's blue feathers.
Four elementary students pose with their disguised turkeys, standing before a bulletin board filled with other students' disguised turkeys.
Kindergarten students sit on a floor rug with their teacher, all smiling and wearing handmade construction paper turkey hats
A girl smiles with her handmade coffee filter turkey art
In a preschool classroom, there is a construction paper turkey on the wall, and each tail feather was artfully decorated by one student, for a diverse variety of joyful tail feathers.
Dozens of kindergartens sit at floor tables together, with paper plates full of snacks for each student, and they're all wearing paper bag and construction paper turkey costumes.
District Updates
A library full of adult guests are seated at tables looking at the front of the room where two suited administrators or leading a presentation.
Long Range Facilities Update
As the Long Range Facility Planning committee continues into its second year, work is transitioning to less information gathering and more strategic planning. With recent presentations from the City of Joplin, Corner-Greer Architects, and district leaders alongside ongoing tours as needed, the committee has begun to identify priorities for short-term and long-term goals that adequately provide for the needs and dreams of our community. Feedback from a recent community survey is also being used to guide the committee's recommendations. We are thankful for the careful, voluntary work being done to plan for the future of Joplin Schools facilities.
A graphic that says Joplin Schools 2025-26 District Calendar
2025-26 Academic Calendar
We are excited to share the 2025-26 Academic Calendar earlier than usual! The calendar was created with extensive staff, student and parent input, and was approved by the Board of Education at the Dec. 17 Board meeting.

A downloadable PDF version of the calendar is available on our website. Alongside a new vertical orientation, we also want to make you aware of a few important structural changes based on staff and parent preferences stated via survey.

  1. School starts on a Wednesday, due to strong parent, student and staff preference. This may not be possible every year due to state laws that dictate starting and attendance dates, but we are excited to try it for 2025-26.
  2. There will not be a half-day scheduled for Valentine's Day. Our Wednesday start date needed to be accommodated with attendance days elsewhere. The typical Valentine's half-day was one of those accommodations.
  3. There are no scheduled Parent/Teacher conferences during the Spring Semester. Teachers and staff will still be very communicative and available for meetings if needed at a parent's request. We are thankful for the ease of our ParentSquare platform that simplifies two-way communication to help facilitate parent-teacher connections.
  4. The Friday before Spring Break will be a regular school day. Because there are no Spring Parent/Teacher conferences, that Friday did not need to be a day off in compensation for staff's conference days.
  5. Not a change, but something we were working carefully to ensure: barring snow days, school still ends before Memorial Day!

Thank you to the teams of volunteers who put their heads together to discover staff and parent preferences while still creating a calendar that aligns with state statutes governing public school attendance dates. Well done, Eagles!
A teenage boy with glasses an long curly hair is smiling
Awesome Eagle Alert!
Joplin High School senior Christian Cavener has been awarded a FULL-RIDE scholarship to the California Institute of Technology through the QuestBridge National College Match program! More than 25,000 students applied for this prestigious and life-changing opportunity, showcasing the power of hard work and a commitment to excellence.

"When I found out that I was accepted into CalTech early, it was hard to process. I was in shock, just thinking about what it meant for my future. It's still hitting me that I'm going to be able to fulfill my dreams of studying astrophysics with some of the best astrophysical minds in the world. For the rest of my life, I'll be grateful for this opportunity. I know it's going to allow me to make a difference in the world in a way that I don't think I would be able to have anywhere else."

CalTech will be lucky to have this Eagle in their midst! We can't wait to hear more about your journey, Christian. Huge congratulations and Best Wishes to you as you finish your education in Joplin Schools!
Two school leaders pose with a female high school student, smiling and holding a gift bag at a board of education meeting.
Thank you to our JHS Advisor to the Board of Education!
Joplin High School senior Annabelle Rutledge has served for the past year as advisor to the Board of Education, relaying school news and student opinions each month. With her term ending at the December Board meeting, we would like to say a special Thank You for her participation, her leadership, and her representation of our student body. Good luck in your future endeavors, Annabelle!
The parentsquare logo
Not yet registered for ParentSquare?
Are you reading this newsletter in your email, but unable to interact fully with the format? Try registering for a ParentSquare account!

Your ParentSquare account can be accessed on any web browser or by downloading the app, and allows you more flexibility with how you receive information from teachers, coaches, and schools. Plus, registering allows you quick access to Direct Message teachers for easier communicating.

Visit to register today!
A graphic of the Joplin Schools Portrait of a Graduate logo with the word SURVEY
What do YOU want Joplin students to be capable of?
Our district is in the process of creating a Portrait of a Graduate for Joplin Schools. We've held a couple of fantastic Focus Groups to seek community, staff, student, and parent input on the broad range of skills that are important for our students to possess.

Using their brainstormed lists, we have built a quick survey asking respondents to rank a series of skills, competencies and traits within four categories:

  • Ethical/Moral abilities
  • Intellectual abilities
  • Performance abilities
  • Civic/Community abilities.

There are no right or wrong answers, only preferences about what you and our community consider to be the MOST valuable competencies for our students to have as they work to build successful futures.

Please use the button below to begin the survey!

It should take 7-10 minutes at most, and will play a huge part in helping us narrow down the final handful of competencies that Joplin wants to see in its Portrait of a Graduate. You can learn more about the Portrait of a Graduate process here, including next steps and how the Portrait will influence curriculum and real-world learning opportunities for our students in PreK all the way through 12th grades in the coming years.
Portrait of a Graduate Survey
Christmas Break Reminder:
Schools will be closed from Monday, Dec. 23 through Friday, Jan. 3. Staff will return to buildings on Monday, Jan. 6 for a day of Professional Development.

Students will return to classes on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025. We look forward to starting another great semester together.
Wishing you a Merry Matching Christmas!
School staff are wearing matching Christmas jumpers and posed with smiles together.
From our teachers and staff at Soaring Heights Elementary School! Their team banded together to purchase matching Christmas Jumpers to wear as a surprise for their students.
Thanks for keeping the FUN in fundamentals, Soaring staff!
A bulletin board with the Joplin Schools logo on it
Check out the Community Bulletin Board!
No more flyers lost in backpacks! Please bookmark and visit the new Community Bulletin Board at for updated links to events and opportunities from local nonprofits and groups serving local families.

We hope this streamlines the information available to our families, and offers an easy, one-stop-shop for regional non-profits to publicize their events to our Eagles. Check back regularly as more flyers are always being added!
The Eagle Express is sponsored by Mercy Hospital Joplin
An ad for Mercy Now. On a bright orange background, a sad-looking little girl sits with her face propped up on her hands. Text is superimposed to one side, saying "No one likes to wait. Find care now." the Mercy Now Logo is included.
No one likes to wait, especially when your child’s not feeling well.

Mercy has been working hard to eliminate the wait for great care. Their easy-to-use, online tools help you find the care you need now. From office visits to video visits, digital visits, urgent care and medical advice on-call, Mercy’s variety of options makes getting care as quick and convenient as possible. Learn more at
The Joplin Schools logo including the tagline "Learning Today For a Better Tomorrow"